Fifth Autism Awareness Month

We celebrated our fifth Autism Awareness Month in August 2008 by publishing articles written by families who have children with Autism in Daily Express and organising an awareness talk for the general public....
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Fourth Autism Awareness Month

We celebrated our fourth Autism Awareness Month in August 2007 by publishing articles on Autism in Borneo Post and creating a poster campaign for clinics and hospitals....
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Training: ABA

We organised a training on Applied Verbal Behaviour (ABA) on 4th May 2007 for parents and educators....
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Workshop: Advocacy

We co-organised an Advocacy Workshop with Seri Mengasih Centre and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) on 13th January 2007 for parents, educators and policy makers....
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First NECIC in Penang

We co-organised the 1st National Early Childhood Intervention Conference (NECIC) in Penang for parents, educators, professionals and policy makers....
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Third Autism Awareness Month

We held our third Autism Awareness Month in August 2006. We organised an open day at CitaCita Learning Centre, awareness programs for children with Autism, and a drama entitled "Life on the Spectrum" (life of a family who has a son with Autism)....
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Seven Training Modules

The seven (7) training modules on various topics relating to children with special needs was held from March to October 2006 for parents and educators....
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